A  year ago it was discovered that you could break in to a WIFI by getting passwords from discarded lightbulbs and now Check Point Software has managed to use a flaw in Philips Hue to break in.Maybe putting IOT devices on your (main) WIFI is not such a great idea?

Source: The Dark Side of Smart...

Det ser ud til at IOT er et evigt sikkerheds mareridt.

I love snow sports, and I also like my tunes, so purchasing the Outdoor Tech CHIPS smart headphones was a no-brainer. They fit into audio-equipped helmets and
Source: Hacking ski helmet audio | Pen Test Partners

Limited Results gennemgår i tre blog posts forskellige LED smart bulbs og finder WIFI password gemt i klartekst i dem alle.

Kilde: Discarded smart lightbulbs reveal your wifi passwords, stored in the clear / Boing Boing